“Do you know why swallows build in the eaves of houses? It is to listen to the stories.”
-Peter Pan”
I was speaking to a friend yesterday and they were shocked when I explained what we do at Be Here Now.
He said, “I just knew you used to powerlift. I figured that’s all you were teaching there.” In that moment I realized I’ve done a poor job relaying the story of Be Here Now, the story of the coaches and the story of myself. I realized it was time to open the gates and let the world peer in. Today I’d like to tell the story of the coaches, the very fabric of Be Here Now.
The coaches at Be Here Now are growth-oriented, spiritual, passionate, studious and loving teachers. These coaches reject the status quo and offer individuals a new way to experience life, a new way to be that has no limitations. What I’ve also noticed is that we all have an edge, a noticeable intensity, a tinge of darkness. This is because it is within our own shadows that we have been reborn, many, many times. These coaches don’t fear challenges in their life because they view them as an opportunity to transform and learn so they can take their lessons to help their clients be fearless in the face of hardships within their process of weight loss, pain or strength training.
These coaches do not just teach people to powerlift. They teach people a system inspired by Paul Chek, a world-renowned holistic health expert. These coaches have each struggled with a traditional Western Medical approach and believe that people shouldn’t rely solely on a medical model in which before doctors even ask about your sleep, diet, stress or exercise, will write you a prescription. These prescriptions provide a linear approach to a harmonic system. So, how do we achieve harmony and not cover up symptoms?
With our 4 Doctors System we teach:
- Dr. Diet—No fad diet approach to flexible nutrition for life, Lifestyle Coaching
- Dr. Quiet—Meditation, Reiki, Stress Management, Sleep
- Dr. Happy—Designing Goals and your Dream Life
- Dr. Movement—Strength training, Pain Resolution, Circuits and Cardio
We are Be Here Now and we’re here to shake it the hell up.