Josh Reid

Building A Community of Health

Josh Reid

Josh Reid


Josh Reed is a dedicated wellness coach driven by a profound passion for empowering individuals on their journey to optimal health and fitness through strength training and nutrition.


Josh Reed is a dedicated wellness coach driven by a profound passion for empowering individuals on their journey to optimal health and fitness through strength training and nutrition.

His venture began over ten years ago. While working in a physical therapy setting, he decided to dedicate time to experiencing and learning the many avenues of the fitness world.  Lifting heavy, and food, have always been two of his favorite things.  This fueled his desire to find his niche – the sport of weightlifting, also known as Olympic style lifting.  

He also proceeded to become certified as a nutritionist.  He firmly believes that the cornerstone of a gratifying life lies in nurturing the body with wholesome, delicious food. His approach is firmly grounded in the philosophy that sustainable health transcends diets; rather, it thrives on informed choices attuned to individual needs and preferences. Central to his methodology is an emphasis on the psychological facets of nutrition. Unraveling the intricacies of our past enables us to reshape current and future behaviors, fostering a positive and enduring relationship with food.

Let’s forge a connection, exchange experiences, and embark on a journey of positive changes that last a lifetime.

Josh Reid, USAW-L1, PN-L1

Areas of Expertise

  • Weightlifting
  • Nutrition
  • Emotional Eating
  • Lifestyle and Behavior

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